Seal of Excellence

Bienvenüe Seal of Excellence aims at reinforcing recruitment of highly-talented international post-doctoral fellows and encourage Breton researchers to apply to European MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Calls.
The grant is funding, with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), research projects of 12-24 months which are implemented in Brittany. Only projects that have been positively evaluated and have received the “Seal of Excellence” of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Calls are eligible to funding.
This grant is relying on the recognized evaluation process of the European Commission and the attribution of Seal of Excellence. This award is given to very positively projects that cannot be funded due to lack of available funding.
Région Bretagne, as managing authority for the ERDF 2021 – 2027 programme, aims to support Breton researchers applying to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Calls (whose selection rate is around 12%) with an additionnal project funding opportunity.
Who can benefit of the Bienvenüe Seal of Excellence grant?
The beneficiary of this grant is the institution hiring the post-doctoral fellow. Are eligible the following structures, when located in Brittany:
- public tertiary education institutions with research activities
- main research public organisms
- private tertiary education schools, when accredited for Master or above diplom deliverance, accredited for conduction of scientific research activities by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
- Public interest groups (GIP), foundations for scientific cooperation and non-profit organizations dedicated to research activities and technological developement.
The hiring institution is applying in the name of the post-doctoral fellow.
To be eligible, projects should respect the following cumulative criteria:
- The proposal has been awarded the “Seal of Excellence” by the European Commission at the HORIZON-MSCA-PF 2024 Call by the European Commission with a score of at least 90/100;
- The proposal is contributing to one or several Strategic Innovation Domains and/or the transversal axis of the Breton RIS3;
- The scientific project and the identity of the post-doctoral fellow are identical in the proposal submitted to the European Commission and in the one submitted to Région Bretagne for this call.
- The post-doctoral fellows is recruited by an eligible institution (see above) implemeted in Brittany.
Please note: candidates having applied with indication of a structure outside Brittany at the European Call are eligible if a Breton institution accepts to support and to co-finance the project.
The proposals should respect the following cumulative criteria:
- Excellence of the project: demonstrated by the minimal score of 90/100 and the Seal of Excellence award by the European Commission and the project proposal
- Regional impact: The proposal is contributing to one or several Strategic Innovation Domains and/or the transversal axis of the Breton RIS3;
- Financial balance: a particular attention will be given to the previsionnal financial balance and to the project cofunding sources. As the ERDF can fund up to 75% of the project, the beneficiary must show its capacity to find other cofunding sources, with respect to the European interdiction of double funding.
Applications will be progressively examined within the limits of available funds.
How much is the Bienvenüe Seal of Excellence grant?
Costs directly related and necessary to conduct the project are eligible to funding, provided that the beneficiary respect European and national regulations regarding cost eligibility and specific dispositions to each action.
Eligible costs are the following:
- Staff expenses
- Other expenses (such as communication, event organisation, intellectual services, equipment, mission expenses, being directly linked to the project)
Simplified cost options
Under the 2021-2027 programme, the European Commission incitates the use of simplified cost options. In consequence, for this grant, the use of the following simplified cost options is required to calculate expenses:
- Staff expenses are calculated on the basis of an unique hourly rate by INSEE Grand Ouest : 1h = 34.12 €
- Consideration of other eligible costs: eligible costs other than staff expenses are calculated on the basis of an unique percentage of staff expenses: other eligible costs = 40% of staff expenses
Costs are eligible from 1st March 2025.
- The grant will be an ERDF subvention.
- ERDF subventions attributed within this scheme can only fund 75% of the project total costs.
- The ERDF subvention is to be capped at 115 000€.
- The maximum amount of eligible costs per project (as selected) is capped at 153 000€.
- Project duration is limited to 24 months. Additionnal duration can be agreed upon motivated request.
No advance can be paid with ERDF subvention. A down payment and the balance can be paid after receipt of supporting documents.
Modalities of payment requests will be explicited in the ERDF subvention attribution agreement.
It is strongly advised to contact Région Bretagne before applying to check whether the proposal is matching the call perimeter.
Application deadline: 30th June 2025
The hiring institution is applying in the name of the post-doctoral fellow. The application is in French.
Please send your application through the Aiden portal at
Scientific documents (in English or in French) :
- Project proposal as submitted to the HORIZON-MSCA-PF call (Forms A and B)
- Evaluation report by the European Commission
- Seal of Excellence Award by the European Commission
- Copy of the PhD degree of the post-doctoral candidate (if not in French or English, please provide a translation and a copy of the original document. Certified translation is not necessary)
Administrative document (French only):
- Lettre de mission (quotité du temps de travail passé sur le projet + chercheur rattaché au projet) – un modèle est proposé voir documents clés
- Copie du contrat de travail (à transmettre au plus tard lors du démarrage du contrat)
The Aiden platform is also requiring the following documents by the hiring institution (French only):
- Attestations de régularité fiscale et sociale
- Capacité du représentant légal
- Liste des aides européennes perçues par l’établissement se rattachant aux programmes de financement européens de la période 2021-2027
- Délibération ou attestation de l’établissement approuvant le plan de financement et justifiant de sa capacité financière à mener à bien le projet
- Descriptif des modalités internes de suivi du temps de travail
- Le cas échéant, l’engagement des cofinancements obtenus (acte d’engagement ou lettre d’intention) – un modèle est proposé voir documents clés
Région Bretagne
Direction du développement économique
Service du développement de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
283 avenue du Général Patton
35711 Rennes