Welcoming highly-talented international post-docs in Brittany
Explore Brittany’s research career development opportunities for post-docs in a dynamic landscape with international recognition and a strong local identity.

u003cstrongu003eBIENVENÜEu003c/strongu003e offers 75 two-year postdoctoral positions to international highly-skilled researchers. Co-funded by the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Région Bretagne and partner institutions, the programme aims to reinforce Brittany’s research excellence and Ru0026amp;I regional politics.rnrnu003cstrongu003eSelf-designed research project, interdisciplinary and intersectorial collaborationsu003c/strongu003e are u003cstrongu003eBIENVENÜEu003c/strongu003e fellowships key elements.rnrnu0026nbsp;
Our Institutions
u003cstrongu003eBIENVENÜEu003c/strongu003e brings together 8 complementary, internationally-recognized, academic institutions, ranking up to 3rd position in the 2019 Shanghai’s thematic ranking. u003cstrongu003eThis makes Brittany a stimulating environment for you to develop your careeru003c/strongu003e.

Brittany, Land Of Expertise
u003cdiv class=u0022text font-WorkSansLightu0022u003ernrnGuided by Région Bretagne, Breton actors have worked together to establish a strategy (RIS3) organizing collective effort on Ru0026amp;I. Find out more about identified expertise fields. u003cspan style=u0022font-weight: 400;u0022u003eThe 5 Strategic Innovation Areas (SIA) and the transversal axis on transitions.u003c/spanu003ernrnu003c/divu003e
researchers working in Brittany in 2019
projects funded by the H2020 Framework Programme for Ru0026amp;I
French region for patent filling
European pole in marine sciences and technologies