This grant is for research institutions located in Brittany aiming to develop new expertise by hosting an incoming international post-doctoral fellow in their teams.

Please note:

  • The “Stratégie d’Attractivité Durable” (SAD) becomes Bienvenüe Bretagne.
  • The call is usually planned between April and October of each year.
The regional contribution covers 75% of eligible costs.
The minimum grant is 60 750€ and is depending on the project duration

Who can receive the BIENVENÜE Bretagne grant?

The following structures, if they are located in Brittany, are eligible:

  • Public tertiary education with research activities
  • main publics research organisms
  • private tertiary education schools, when accredited for Master or above diplom deliverance, accredited for conduction of scientific research activities by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • Public interest groups (GIP), foundations for scientific cooperation and non-profit organizations dedicated to research activities and technological developement.

Only structures located in Brittany are eligible.

  • 18 to 24-month projects, with hosting of an post-doctoral fellow that have spent at least 18 months abroad between 1/05/2021 and the beginning of the project.
  • The proposal is contributing to one or several Strategic Innovation Domains and/or the transversal axis of the Breton RIS3 or the project is outside the RIS3 (“projet hors S3”, for projects that cannot contribute to the strategy)
  • Projects that will be implemented in Brittany under the supervision of a research associate, research director, lecturer, professor or research engineer (in this case, holder of the HDR), who is based in Brittany.

How much is the Bienvenüe Bretagne grant?

Région Bretagne is attributing subventions for the recruitment of international postdoctoral fellows. The subvention is calculated to 75% of eligible costs and is capped depending on the project’s previsionnal duration at:

  • 60 750 € minimum for a 18-month project
  • 81 000 € minimum for a 24-month project

Costs are eligibles from the date of notification of the arrêté, except if another start date is precised in the application and voted so by Région Bretagne.

The period of eligible costs can be 18 or 24 months, depending on the project length, and is usually from the begininng of the fellow’s work contract. The fellow’s work contract is at least 18 or 24 months, depending on the project length.

Eligible costs are salary costs of the postdoctoral fellow: salaire net, cotisations sociales et provisions correspondant aux allocations pour perte d’emploi.


Once the application stage is over, supervising structures are verifying and indicating a positive or negative opinion regarding each project on the platform.

Eligible applications are then evaluated twice:

  • a scientific evaluation by French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • an internal evaluation by Région Bretagne

A final ranking is established by Région Bretagne on the basis of this double evaluation.


Please apply online through Extranet recherche de la Région Bretagne.

First, you need to create a personnal account.

The following fields will be required:

  • acronym (8 letters max) and title of the project;
  • references of the supervising institution, which will be the beneficiary of the project, responsible for administrative and financial process regarding the project;
  • name of the researcher applying (the future supervisor of the postdoc fellow) and reference of the research unit where the fellow will be hosted
  • indication of the contribution to RIS3 by the project (or indication of no contribution if applicable)
  • description of the research project;
  • information regarding the postdoctoral fellow (description, name if identified)
  • information regarding the cofunding of the project

Please note the form is to be filled in French only.

Région Bretagne

Direction du développement économique

Service du développement de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche

283 avenue du Général Patton

35711 Rennes