7 560+ patents since 2000
5.4% contribution to Brittany’s GDP

Digital technology is a sector with long-standing roots in the Breton economic landsape. The Strategy is concentrating on technology producers in ligh with Brittany’s road map for responsible digital strategies. Cybersecurity and data mangement are two key structuring issues that Breton research ecosystem is tackling.

The Breton research ecosysem is particulary dense, with large shared laboratories supervised by the different universities, the Inria Centre of University of Rennes, 2 implantations of IMT Atlantique, Centrale Supélec, and more than 30 public and private training institutions.

Topical subdomains

Cybersecurity covers a wide range of topics such as encryption, surveillance, identity management, authentication, and human organisation. It encompasses hardware, software and services. The major challenges for Brittany are to build and develop the regional cybersecurity ecosystem and make it easier to understand in order to make Brittany a key region in the field in France and in Europe.

The objective is to structure the electronics sector and to support the move upmarket, including the environmental dimension.

The objective it to put Brittany as key player on the European map in terms of research, innovation and economic development.

The main challenges are to contribute to the creation of European Data Area, and to avert risks of value capture and threats to individual and collective freedoms induced by insufficient control of data on the territory.

Brittany’s ambition is to become a benchmark region at the European level on sovereign and sustainable communication networks.

This subdomain concerns the development of space technologies and their applications. Brittany is a member of the NEREUS network (Network of European Region Using Space technologies) and is contributing to structuring the regional collaborations . Worth mentionning is the presence of EARSC networks, ESA BICS and GIS Bretel.

The objective is to support the evolutions of digital echnologies and its uses, through for example the reduction of energy consumption of the hardware and software components or recycling of electronic devices.

Focus on… Bretagne Cyber Alliance

Bretagne Cyber Alliance is gathering all Breton actors working on cybersecurity. Its missions are to support the growth of the sector, to strenghten research and innovation in cybersecurity, to disseminate cybersecurity within the Breton society, and to meet the needs of skilled force of the sector.

In Brittany, the actors are specialized on cutting edge domains such as maritime cybersecurity, security of infrastructures and networks, security of public infrastructures…

More on Bretagne Cyber Alliance (in French)

Examples of funded projects