Economics of industry
for intelligent production

The Breton industry must face several challenges after several shocks : decarbonising and producing more cleanly, and by promoting the circular economy and new energies; repositionning people at the heart of industry; strenghten performance and competitiveness, in order to accelerate companies’ modernisation towards industry 4.0; and finally integrate the challenges of industrial sovereignty.
The research ecosystem is composed of the various Breton universities, the main national organisms and graduate schools (ENS Rennes, IMT Atlantique, INSA Rennes, ENSTA, ENIB…). Technological platforms such as SUNI (ENS), ComposiTIC, GCM (INSA Rennes) but also SCA Industrie (UBS), MASMECA (ENSTA) and Campus Esprit in Redon contribute to the development of new products and process.
Competitive clusters ID4CAR and EMC2 are two major actors moderating the Breton industry innovation. Technological innovation centres, such as the technical centres Cristal Cluster, Maupertuis Institute, and Excelcar platform are key links between research and innovation needs of the different industrial sectors.
Topical subdomains
Brittany is hosting innovative sectors for materials, in particular composites, which finds numerous applications: automotive, space, energies, telecommunications and defence…
Research is carried out by recognized actors (ISCR, IPR, IETR, ScanMAT, LGCGM, IRDL, CEMCA, Optimag, Lab-Sticc, IRDL, ENSTA Bretagne, ENS…).
This subdomain aims to develop new, more competitive and sustainable manufacturing processes; to control and improve process and product quality; to automate and to increase the flexibility of production systems and to develop the plant’s digital twins.
The subdomain aims at developing ecosystems for the use of 100% renewable hydrogen; reducing consumption through energy efficiency and sobriety; developing smart energy systems and diversifying the uses of renewable electricity; developing the production of next-generation renewable energies; and facilitating energy-climate research and innovation.
Strongly structured by the automobile sector, the Breton industry must respond to key challenges in terms of energy, industrial and digital transitions. Technological acceleration is to be taken into account, as well as the issue of mobility as a factor of socio-economic inclusion.
This subdomain aims to encourage the development of operator assistance technologies, to accelerate the professional integration of people with disabilities in the industry; to accompany the evolution of skills and the transmission of know-how; and to develop new user-centered approaches and methodologies.