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Our 2025 call for Bienvenüe Seal of Excellence is open!

- Published on 04/03/25

Région Bretagne is launching a new funding scheme for post-docs this spring!

Called Bienvenüe Seal of Excellence, it aims at reinforcing recruitment of highly-talented international post-doctoral fellows and encourage Breton researchers to apply to European MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Calls.

The grant is funding, with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), research projects of 12-24 months which are implemented in Brittany. Only projects that have been positively evaluated and have received the “Seal of Excellence” of the previous MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships Calls are eligible to funding.

The call for projects is open until 30th June 2025.

How to apply?

The particularity of the call is that the hosting institution is the one to apply to the funding scheme. If you are a post-doc candidate, please contact your potential supervisor and hosting institution to launch an application.

Please note that only hosting institutions located in Brittany are eligible to this call, as this is a regional action.

How to find a hosting institution?

The call is however open to candidates that had first applied with indication of a structure outside Brittany at the European Call, which are eligible if a Breton institution accepts to support and to co-finance the project.

If this is your case, we recommend to begin with reading our presentation of the Breton research and innovation ecosystem. At the end of the page, you will find a “Resources” box with among others a list of research labs located in Brittany, with indication of scientific expertise. From there, you will be able to check the lab websites and directly contact researchers.


More information on the page dedicated to the funding scheme

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