With around 30 000 students, the Université de Rennes is the biggest university in Brittany. Its approach to research and education is focused on reinforcing fundamental research to offer excellence. As other institutions, Université de Rennes aims at tackle today challenges with interdisciplinary research.

Université de Rennes researchers are internationnaly recognized in various areas:

  • Mathematics & ICT (numerical & cryptology, cybersecurity, Big data, electronics, photononics)
  • Physical sciences (Inorganic glass, Green chemistry, Materials and Substainable development)
  • Life and environmental sciences (cancer, technologies for health, environment-nutrition-health continuum, complex environment systems, dynamics of landscapes)
  • Humanities and social sciences (European law, Law and environment, public economy, European integration, digital society)
UR1 Mathematics department ranked in top 76 – 100 in Shanghai’s thematic ranking 2020
15 ERC Grants since 2007

Besides its mains research areas, Université de Rennes is promoting innovative projects by providing facilities and fostering transdisciplinary research. Université de Rennes is finally involved in numerous other European initiatives as part of its internationalisation strategy, such as EIT Digital node in Rennes, Erasmus Mundus Courses or an European Alliance University launched in 2019. The same goes for research, with engagement in 30 international research labs.



Meet the fellows